In-game footage captured with Take Recorder from an unreleased level design in Unreal Engine 5. I was a solo Dev on this speculative project initially created in Third Person with animation and blended cinematic interactions and trailer design, then converted and packaged to VR. I created the environment with landscape design in Gaea, vertex painting, foliage, props, FX, and lighting in UE, and redesigned Kitbash 3D assets for the architecture. The client wanted to feature a custom character inspired by vintage "one armed bandit" slot machines, so I created Golden Gus, a custom designed Metahuman with rigged and skin weighted clothing, sculpts, accessories, and attached rotating mesh blueprints. I populated the scene with UE Marketplace Assets featuring the Western Characters Pack by David Grette and Animalia buffalo. This was an excellent exercise in all things Game Art and creating a full project from concept to trailer to packaged game file.